Contained here are all* the Technical Service Bulletins (TSBs) I
could find for all the production years of the Protegé (North
American only) so far. All the information herein (except this
preface) are property of Mazda Motor Corporation and may
change anytime without notice.
*By all, I mean just the TSBs announcing certain drivability
issues, defects, recalls, etc. Internal information about certain
unrelated issues (of ones listed above) such as service manual
updates, instructions to sensitive propritary information, etc. are
I take absolutely no responsibility for the information contained
herein nor what happens from it due to misuse, neglect, etc.
All information provided herein are for information purposes
only. Information to be used by a qualified Mazda technician
only. Information contained herein are in no way related to the
Protegé FAQ and is provided as a public sevice only.